Of the overwhelming number of programming text editors to choose from, SciTE is one of the best for quick and easy editing of single and multiple files on Unix / Linux / FreeBSD. It provides powerful IDE-like features without many of the inefficiencies and complexities of an IDE. If using Windows, then Notepad++, which shares the Scintilla code base with SciTE, is a good choice.
To make sure that certain font, indentation, and general useability
settings mentioned above are enabled by default when SciTE starts up, it
is necessary to set these settings in the SciTE configuration file
# Show line numbers: line.margin.visible=1 # Set tabs to 4 spaces: tabsize=4 indent.size=4 use.tabs=0 # Show whitespaces: view.whitespace=1 # Set monospaced font: font.base=$(font.monospace) font.small=$(font.monospace) font.comment=$(font.monospace) font.text=$(font.monospace) font.text.comment=$(font.monospace) font.embedded.base=$(font.monospace) font.embedded.comment=$(font.monospace) font.vbs=$(font.monospace) # open files in the last directory: open.dialog.in.file.directory=1 # show all files: open.filter=$(all.files)Source Files (cpp,c,h,mak)|*.cpp;*.c;*.h;*.mak;makefile|Web Files (htm, html, css, xml, shtml, js, pl, asp)|*.html;*.htm;*.css;*.shtml;*.js;*.pl;*.xml;*.asp|Text (txt, doc)|*.txt;*.doc| # show status bar: statusbar.visible=1 # show full path in the SciTE application window title bar: # (just the filename will remain in the tab caption) title.full.path=1
Download .SciTEUser.properties, and place it into your home directory. Make sure to keep the dot in front of the filename.
If SciTE is already open, then go to ‘Options’ -> ‘Open User Options File’, paste the settings in, and save.
Note: This configuration file is coded for SciTE to insert 4 spaces per tab keystroke.
In most cases the OS package manager should be used to install SciTE.
sudo apt-get install scite
sudo emerge app-editors/scite
With this configuration file above, SciTE becomes a great quick / easy / lightweight programming and general text editor.
Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Marat Nepomnyashy
Except where otherwise noted, this webpage is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Background wallpaper by Patrick Hoesly, used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.